I've been AWOL for a couple of months now and today is the first day in a long time where I feel like I've had a bit of a respite.
After moving the fam out to Dallas and getting everyone settled, it was high time I got my butt back to work! I am so excited about my new(ish) job as the Sales Manager for two hotels in the Plano area! I started mid-December and so far so good! OK. I'll admit it. There were a couple of days shortly after the training process where I thought I should just throw in the towel but I've hung in there. I have a bit of a commute but it's not terrible (once some of the construction is finished, my drive will be fine). I use the time in the mornings to mentally prepare for my day and in the evenings I decompress. The best part of going back to work is KJ and Cosmo taking over the cooking!
Lax is in full swing / full spring at the Casa de Cos. Cosmo has had a couple of games under his belt this season and KJ's season is kind of just getting started. She had a tournament @ A&M and a lot of practices so far. She's also working a lot and has just completed her schedule for senior year. She actually has enough credits to graduate in December but I don't see the need for her to graduate early.
We've had some work done in the backyard this year and can't wait for consistent warm weather to enjoy it (today is almost 90 but tomorrow's high is supposed to be mid-60's)! We had a new retaining wall installed, a new fence, sod laid in the little space by the pool (seriously, I could cut our backyard grass with a pair of scissors it's so small), new mulch in all the flower beds, a few trees and plants in the new retaining wall area and the trees in the front yard were cut back.
We don't really have any spring break plans this year but we are all looking forward to our upcoming cruise to celebrate our big birthdays and our special anniversary. We've had a lot of fun researching our trip and planning our excursions. Oh! And of course, KJ is incredibly excited about her trip to Costa Rica this summer! She got a GoPro for Christmas so she could document her adventures!
T and Pony Boy are having some adventures of their own. They celebrated the new year in DC and they've gone hiking/camping/kayaking several times. They are having so much fun in Birmingham and are constantly on the go. She somehow won a Super Bowl party sponsored by a local radio station so they held it at Frat Boy's house. All the drinks were handled, all the food, one of those huge inflatable screens was put up in the backyard, the station played a custom playlist on the radio for an hour before kick-off and some guy came and played the guitar! And this week she won a sales contest at work and won an Apple Watch!
What to Pack for Spring Break
1 hour ago