So over Easter I was the one surprised but the following weekend it was my parent's turn! They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and my brother and I threw them a fantastic party (actually, not so much me. and not so much my brother. More like, "my wonderful sister-in-law threw them a fantastic party!"). I couldn't do much being so far away so she organized everything and I wrote a couple of checks. My parents were positively floored and we had a wonderful time!
The month of May was pretty busy with typical end of year stuff -- end of year lax games, end of year lax tournament, KJ played in the Junior vs. Senior powder puff football game, she was inducted into the Spanish National Honor Society, our beautiful niece extended her business trip and stayed with us a couple of days, KJ had a blast at prom and my hotel was the host property for the Texas Elvis Festival over Memorial Day weekend!
June is just as busy -- Coach starts men's league this week, he flew to Denver last week to visit w/ his college buds and they went to a Rockies game and the Metallica concert. This weekend we're going to the Texas Rangers game. I'm not sure who they're playing. While KJ's been in Costa Rica, Coach and I have been tooling around town in her cute little convertible and spent Sunday at the local lake. Of course, now Coach wants a boat. I'm not opposed to a boat, I just don't know much about them.
KJ left for Costa Rica on Thursday and is having the time of her life! They've been white water rafting, zip lining, they hiked to a waterfall and swam, kayaked, went to a pineapple farm, visited a coffee plantation and also went to a chocolate farm. One night they did a late night rain forest tour and she said it was wild! She has seen SO much wildlife -- she said howler monkeys were on their bungalow roof one day, lizards and iguanas are everywhere, frogs (poisonous ones!), a bunch of different birds, etc.
T and Johnny Frat Boy are going out west for a hiking/camping trip the end of June. On there way back they are stopping in Dallas and taking KJ back with them for a week. I think they have plans to go to Sloss Fest and then she'll fly home the day after. And a few days after she gets back home, I am scheduled for a hysterectomy. I haven't been feeling well at all the last couple of months and had an ultrasound in February. At the time they found several little fibroids that were about 1 to 1 1/2 cm each. They have grown rapidly and now are over 3 cm each. And I have a cyst on my left ovary. And severe endometreosis. And scar tissue from my two C-sections. So. Go me!
What to Pack for Spring Break
1 hour ago