For the first time in our family's history we cut down our own Christmas tree last week. We went to, the same place we got our Halloween pumpkins. It was a gorgeous day and we had so much fun. Finding the perfect tree was a lot harder than I thought!
KJ started volleyball practice two nights a week and is really enjoying it. The other night we saw 3 deer walking down our street, 1 deer as I turned out of our sub-division, two more deer on the way to the school for practice and I saw 4 deer in someone's front yard on the way home.
I've got most of my Christmas shopping done, Christmas cards are out, decorating is done. I still have wrapping to do and one package to mail out. We'll bake next week when my mom gets in. My parents arrive on Saturday and T got in this past Saturday. Her flight out of Memphis was delayed 3 hours due to the weather here. We had some snow Saturday afternoon that turned into rain by the time her flight got in around 10 PM. One of her residents was on her flight so I was glad she had someone to travel with. Her "little" lives here in Arlington so I'm sure they'll get together over break.
Cosmo flew to Bham Friday to do a few things at the house and do some lax stuff. He got to see his lax boys on Saturday and ran into a bunch of friends Friday and Saturday nights. He misses lax a little bit and is toying with the idea of coaching here. Which I'm OK with.