Sunday, June 28, 2009
End to the Weekend
Yesterday we spent hours and hours cleaning KJ's room. It started off by me cleaning her bathroom and everything just snowballed from there. Bottom line is she's a slob but part of it is my fault. I never follwed up when I thought she was cleaning her room. It got a little ugly but I was able to maintain my composure MOST of the day.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday Silliness
We were supposed to be in Atlanta today for a girls lacrosse tournament but the BamaLax team didn't have enough girls to field a team today (you know how these Southern girls are, too busy w/ other stuff: mission trips, vacation bible school, choir trips, camp, etc.). So, we now have a nice, unexpectedly free weekend. Unfortunately, Chris has to spend the day up at the lax store because all of the kids are either on their way to or on their way home from one lax camp or another. I have a lot I need to get done in the house. I've been busy this week w/ various "stuff" -- driving kids to/from dance camp, volleyball camp, my mammogram on Friday, etc. and let a few things go in the house.
Thursday was the last day of KJ's volleyball camp at the high school. She had a great time and really, really liked volleyball. I think she's going to sign up for the little girls team at our church in the fall. She had a couple of girls over for a hot dog/pool party after volleyball camp. The girls were really good and had a lot of fun. They played very nice together.
Last night was T's last day of her dance intensive at the studio and she had a couple of girls over to hang out at the pool. These girls don't go to the same high school but they have a lot of friends in common and it was interesting to listen to them talk about certain people. Some things I had already heard, some of the gossip was new to me (old news to them). It's interesting too, how some kids, girls particularly, are perceived one way by adults (i.e., she's a good church-going girl), but act another way when they are with their friends.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Fat Lady @ the Pool
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day / Just some stuff
So the creative juices are flowing in our house today. Chris had to run up to the store for a little while today and on the way back he & KJ stopped at the craft store and purchased a table-top easel. some canvasses, and a starter set of acrylics. She googled some art work, printed it out and tried to copy it. As you can see, she did a great job!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
More John & Kate Crap

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Good Weekend
Wednesday night at lax practice T twisted her ankle pretty bad so we've been icing her and doing lots of advil. She had a game Saturday and Kenny the trainer taped her up pretty good. Thursday we met Chris @ Mama Goldberg's in Homewood for lunch and from there bought T a new pair of jazz shoes and tap shoes to get her ready for her two-week dance intensive starting Monday. I'm so excited about her taking a tap class. I've been bugging her for a while now to try tap; I think it will make her a more well rounded dancer (and I also think tap is a lost art). I luv, luv, luv watching KJ do tap! She looks so darn cute!!! Anyway, I hope T's ankle doesn't bother her too much tomorrow -- especially on pointe.
Friday I had an appointment at the orthopedics's office. My left heel has been bothering me for a long time now. I can barely put any weight on it and it's very painful. After 2 x-rays, turns out I have something called "plantar fasciitis" and I have a heel spur. They gave me a shot of cortisone in my heel and I'll have to do some physical therapy. I stopped at Lowe's on the way home and bought a new umbrella for the patio. Whoop-de-doo!
Friday night we took the kids to the drive-in movie way down in Harpersville. We had a lot of fun despite the gale-force winds, the thunder & lightening and the torrential downpour. We saw "Up" and the first few minutes of Hannah Montana (couldn't take the rain any longer by the time Hannah started). Poor Austin. T never told him what movies were playing until we actually pulled into the drive-in. He and Chris had to suffer thru Up and Hannah. hahaha
Saturday was a long lacrosse day. Chris had the Copperheads come over from GA to play some of the BamaLax teams. Thank God his buddy @ BSC let him use the turf -- the rain was so bad here in the morning! The U15 game was a heart-breaker (BamaLax lost by 1) and things went sort of downhill from there. The Varsity Boys lost, the Varsity Girls lost (badly) and then the BamaLax Varsity Boys played Chris's men's team (the old man, or "Big 'un" as he's also known) scored 6 for the men. I think, but please don't quote me on this, that the BamaLax girls had 3 shots on goal the entire game and T had 2 of them. Not bad for a kid running around on a bum ankle.
Kendall got to hang with some of her little lax buddies at the game(s) yesterday and I over-heard her telling one of her friends that Austin spends so much time w/ us, he's like a step-brother to her. It was really cute. So today we are celebrating Father's Day a week early with Chris. Next weekend he'll be busy w/ the Alabama Games and Saturday & Sunday T is dancing w/ Colby Shinn, a famous choreographer. We had a big breakfast of bacon and eggs and for lunch we had Caribbean jerk shrimp skewers, scallops, steak and baked potatoes. Strawberry shortcake for dessert. The girls bought Chris Metallica's Guitar Hero for Wii and I bought him a NY Jets flag to hang in the garden during football season. It's been a very, very nice day having Chris home and just relaxing for a change.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Jon & Kate --- Who really gives a SH%T Anymore???
Friday, June 5, 2009
T is SOOOO good w/ little kids. All the little kids at the pool (Colin & Lydia, Cameron & Linley and some other kids I don't even know) luv, luv, luv her. They're constantly calling her name, hey, watch me T, catch me T. Lydia was there the other day w/ her babysitter and saw T get out of the pool and dry off. Lydia ran out of the pool and told her babysitter, "I have to go home now." The babysitter asked her why and she pointed at T and said, "cuz she's going home." T loves the kids to pieces and she'd be a great kindergarten or 1st grade teacher. Unfortunately, a teacher's pay is not going to keep her in the lifestyle she's become accustomed to.