T came home from the game feeling a little sick (she swears she only had a couple of beers at the fraternity) so we snuggled on the couch last night and watch Lord of the Rings 2. I think #3 is on tonight. She was supposed to have All-star lax practice this afternoon in preparation for their tournament in Atlanta this weekend. I woke her up around 10 AM and she was burning w/ fever. I gave her 2 tylenol and sent her back to bed. She's been laying on the couch most of the day in her jammies and had some soup for lunch. Chris, however, went to her All-star lax practice. He's such a goober. He bought himself a girls stick (very different from a boys stick) so he could get a feel for the game (that just what we need in this house -- more lacrosse equipment). Last night he was on some website and copied down a bunch of plays to teach the girls today.