KJ's finishing up her last full day at the beach. She's had a great time and I'm not sure if she's going to want to come home tomorrow! That kid loves the water. And the sand. Always has.
Had such a wonderful, easy-breezy week with Coach. I couldn't be more relaxed unless I was on some kind of meds or something. Just such a nice, quiet week. No lacrosse, no volleyball, no traffic on the way to the hotel. Just a nice quiet week. Coach and I went out to dinner a couple of nights, stayed in a couple of nights. Caught up on some movies. Did a few things around the house, cleaned out my closet last weekend and a couple of dresser drawers, threw away some stuff, donated some stuff. Went to bed early, slept a little later each morning since there was no traffic. This morning we were both up early and went to breakfast. Did some shopping and finally bought frames for over the fireplace in the family room.
We had our family photos done back in December and I didn't want to order photos because I wanted to find "the" perfect frame. I knew what I wanted and didn't want to settle. We popped into Wrapsody this morning and I brought home two gorgeous frames -- one is for an 11 x 14 family pic and the other is long and vertical and will hold (3) 5 x 7's (photos of the girls and a photo of just me and Coach). I love that store and they are so easy to work with. Blair said to take them home, see how they look and if I'm not feeling the frames in a week or two to just return them. I dropped almost $300 on these frames, I think I'll like them!
Got a nice little surprise last night. T texted me and said she wanted to come home for Easter. She was originally going to stay in Oxford and have Easter dinner at her lax coach's house and come home next weekend for the Dave Matthews concert. But she said she a bunch of her Alabama friends were home and since they were on a different Spring Break schedule she hasn't seen any of them since Christmas. So, she wants to come home. Hey, I'm not complaining! I'm still not cooking though!!! ;-)
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
It's OK Thursday !!!
...to be footloose and fancy free this week! KJ is at the beach w/ friends for Spring Break so Coach and I have been enjoying date week!
...to have my 13-year old tell me that driving in the car with me is like being in a music video -- sunroof open, music blaring, cruising down the highway.
...that I will not be cooking for Easter! Whoop! Whoop! Having brunch with friends!
...that I work with a total and complete Debbie Downer. Her problem. Not mine. I refuse to allow her negativity to bring me down and have started to avoid her at all costs.
..that Coach and I watched Rock of Ages the other night and I knew the words to every song.
Debbie Downer,
It's OK Thursday,
Rock of Ages,
Spring Break
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Well, It's Official!
I have turned into a major geek! I just asked my husband to buy me a ticket to Anaheim so I can attend this weekend's WonderCon. http://www.comic-con.org/wca A couple of years ago when we were in Vegas for my birthday some "Con" was in town -- it wasn't Comic Con but it was something to do with the film industry and each of the hotels on the strip was host to a movie. We stayed at Paris during that trip and we had a bunch of the cars from Transformers in front of our hotel as well as a huge Bumblee Transformer.
Two of my favorite shows -- TNT's "Falling Skies" and the History Channel's "Vikings" are presenting at WonderCon and I'll bet they're will be lots of spoilers.
Sunday will be the 5th episode of Vikings (I think they filmed 9 episodes for the 1st season). I've seen some spoilers on the internet and twitter so I think I kind of know what goes down between the main Viking and the Earl and it's not going to be pretty. I do hope this show gets picked up for a 2nd season.
Falling Skies, sadly, will not air until the summer (June 9, 2013) with 10 episodes. But my DVR is already set. Lots of questions still need to be answered: What's going on with Hal? What's up with the new alien we saw on the season 2 finale? Is Ann having a normal baby or an alien baby?
Two of my favorite shows -- TNT's "Falling Skies" and the History Channel's "Vikings" are presenting at WonderCon and I'll bet they're will be lots of spoilers.
Sunday will be the 5th episode of Vikings (I think they filmed 9 episodes for the 1st season). I've seen some spoilers on the internet and twitter so I think I kind of know what goes down between the main Viking and the Earl and it's not going to be pretty. I do hope this show gets picked up for a 2nd season.
Falling Skies, sadly, will not air until the summer (June 9, 2013) with 10 episodes. But my DVR is already set. Lots of questions still need to be answered: What's going on with Hal? What's up with the new alien we saw on the season 2 finale? Is Ann having a normal baby or an alien baby?
Obviously I have a thing for strong men with scruffy beards (please see previous post regarding Ben Affleck in Argo). Oh, and let's not forget the guys from Duck Dynasty!
Ben Affleck,
Duck Dynasty,
falling skies,
History Channel,
men with beards,
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Most of the TV I / we watch is reality TV or on the History Channel: Duck Dynasty, Real Housewives, Amazing Race, The Bible, Vikings, etc. Other than that, there really hasn't been anything interesting on TV lately.
So we've been trying to catch up on our movies. This past weekend we watched Rock of Ages with Tom Cruise and the girl from Dancing with the Stars. I didn't know what to expect but thought it was a lot of fun. Tom Cruise played his character well and the music was awesome!!!
A week or so ago Coach and I watched Argo. I really, really liked it. It was intense and who doesn't love Ben Affleck with a beard?
Zero Dark Thirty is on our list as well as Lincoln and Flight (Denzel has never made a bad movie in my opinion).
I'd also like to see Life of Pi but don't really see Coach enjoying it. This is 40 and Silver Linings Playbook are also on the "must-see" list.
So we've been trying to catch up on our movies. This past weekend we watched Rock of Ages with Tom Cruise and the girl from Dancing with the Stars. I didn't know what to expect but thought it was a lot of fun. Tom Cruise played his character well and the music was awesome!!!
A week or so ago Coach and I watched Argo. I really, really liked it. It was intense and who doesn't love Ben Affleck with a beard?
Zero Dark Thirty is on our list as well as Lincoln and Flight (Denzel has never made a bad movie in my opinion).
I'd also like to see Life of Pi but don't really see Coach enjoying it. This is 40 and Silver Linings Playbook are also on the "must-see" list.
Ben Affleck,
Bradley Cooper,
Rock of Ages,
Tom Cruise,
Zero Dark Thirty
Monday, March 25, 2013
So now it's KJ's turn to celebrate Spring Break at the beach! I hope she has decent weather. It doesn't really matter how cold the water is, she'll go in no matter what. That kid is a mermaid for sure and if there's a body of water, no matter how small -- a bucket, a baby pool, a bathtub -- she's in it!
I think she's all set -- yesterday she got her eyebrows waxed and we picked up some last minute items. I made beach bags / gift bags for KJ and her little buddy with custom monogrammed beach towels, sunglasses, Frisbees and a bunch of other girly fun things for the beach. She's packed and ready to go!
I think she's all set -- yesterday she got her eyebrows waxed and we picked up some last minute items. I made beach bags / gift bags for KJ and her little buddy with custom monogrammed beach towels, sunglasses, Frisbees and a bunch of other girly fun things for the beach. She's packed and ready to go!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Puppy Love
“Happiness is a warm puppy.”
― Charles M. Schulz
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”
― Josh Billings
“Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”
― Mark Twain
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
― Will Rogers
If you are feeling down and need a lift or some happiness in your life, spend an hour at your local vets office. I took Trixie for a groom and had a little bit of wait to pick her up. As dogs were reunited with their owners after grooming services or perhaps being boarded for a couple of days, the joy on their owners faces is indescribable. It is truly a joyous reunion for both human and pet. Owners squealed with delite to be see their beloved pets come through the door and their voices get high and pitchy and they start talking baby talk. Depending the size of the dog, the dogs were usually embraced in some way, either snuggled up high or the owner kneeled down low to give hugs and kisses. It's very, very sweet to see and it makes you realize how strong the bond between dog and owner truly is.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
It's OK Thursday
Cajun Shrimp,
It's OK Thursday,
Shamrock Shake,
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Princess Bride
Westley: Hear this now: I will always come for you.
Buttercup: But how can you be sure?
Westley: This is true love - you think this happens every day?
One of my favorite all-time movies is "The Princess Bride." I love everything about this story -- the romance, the action scenes, the fairy tale, the fashion, the historical period, revenge, the monsters, the comedic aspect (Billy Crystal!), everything. And of course, the famous wedding scene.
Which brings me to today's post. Marriage isn't easy. There are a lot of bumps in the road. Some are minor, others are major and can tear a couple apart. It's not all sunshine and roses. Coach and I have been married for 20 years and dated for 10 before we got married (we met at 15). Like any other couple, we've had our ups and downs. We've been through alot. He does things that absolutely drive me crazy and I'm sure he'll say the same about me. We're not perfect and we don't pretend to be.
As part of our marriage prep class all those years ago, we met with more "experienced," older couples with a couple of years of marriage under their belts. One of them said, "Contrary to what you've been told, marriage is NOT 50/50. Some days it's 40/60, some days it's 30/70." That has always stuck with me. And it couldn't be more true. When I'm going through a rough time, Coach picks up the pieces. When he's struggling, I give him one of my famous pep talks.
I think that is one of my most favorite things about my marriage -- how well we complement each other. We keep each other in check. We have the same warped sense of humor. We're Yin and Yang: I hate to cook, he has no problem helping out in the kitchen (and is such a better cook than me!). If things are crazy, he has no problem doing a load of laundry or running the vacuum (and the best part is I don't even have to ask. He just does it). He's always been a big help with the girls and is a wonderful father. He loves being involved with the girls and drops everything where they are concerned. And he takes incredible care of me -- emotionally and physically. He knows when I need a ginger ale. He knows when I need to be left alone. And more importantly, he knows when I shouldn't be left alone.
I know some of these things may seem minor and you may be saying to yourself "well, isn't he SUPPOSED to be doing those things? Isn't that what a marriage is about?" Well, yes it is what a marriage/partnership/relationship is about. And I am very fortunate and blessed to have met a man who speaks my love language and lifts me up. A strong man who hasn't let me down and put others before himself. A man who takes care of his family with love. Again, I know some of these things may seem so little but it truly is the little things that matter. And I'm not sitting here acting all high and might saying my marriage is perfect, my husband is amazing, etc. What I am saying is that it's perfect for me and that's all that really matters.
Westley: I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me?
Buttercup: Well... you were dead.
Westley: Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.
Buttercup: I will never doubt again.
Westley: There will never be a need.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Today is Tuesday . . .
. . . which means tomorrow is Wednesday! You know what that means! DUCK DYNASTY! Whoop! Whoop!!!
Coach swears he's "not a fan" of the show, however, the other day I noticed he retweeted a couple of Uncle Si's tweets. Hmmmm.....
Monday, March 18, 2013
No! Not that kind of Viking!
This kind of Viking!
If you're not watching Vikings after the Bible on the History Channel, do yourself a favor and catch up on the episodes! http://www.history.com/shows/vikings The show is very interesting and being the history geek I am, I can't wait for it to air each week. I love the relationship between the "main" Viking, Ragnar, and his wife, Lagertha. Ragnar is like the Christopher Columbus of the Viking world. He's convinced there are lands to the West they can raid rather than the usual lands to the East they raid each summer. I also like that the Vikings are being portrayed in a different light -- as humans, as husbands and wives, as parents. The series is doing a good job of humanizing Vikings rather than villanizing them. Don't get me wrong. The show is pretty violent and graphic but Ragnar is a kinder, gentler Viking than we are used to seeing.
The HISTORY® original series Vikings transports us to the brutal and mysterious world of Ragnar Lothbrok (Travis Fimmel), a Viking warrior and farmer who yearns to explore—and raid—the distant shores across the ocean. His ambition puts him at odds with local chieftain Earl Haraldson (Gabriel Byrne), who insists on sending his raiders to the impoverished east rather than the uncharted west. When Ragnar teams up with his boat builder friend Floki (Gustaf Skarsgard) to craft a new generation of intrepid ships capable of conquering the rough northern seas, the stage is set for conflict.
But for all its warfare and bloodshed,
Vikings is also a story of family and brotherhood, capturing the love and affection between Ragnar and his wife, Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick), a respected warrior in her own right. It is the tale of Ragnar’s brother Rollo (Clive Standen), a fierce fighter who simmers with jealously; of Earl Haraldson’s wife Siggy (Jessalyn Gilsig), a dutiful beauty who may be less than loyal; and of the monk Athelstan (George Blagden), whose Christian morals clash with the Vikings’ pagan society. As ambition and innovation rattle a civilization, these characters will be put to the test—and their way of life will never be the same again.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Happy St. Patrick's Day
My sweet sweet friend at work has been wearing a green accent piece each day this week leading up to St. Patrick's Day. Friday she wore a simple pair of black pants and a black button shirt with a black blazer. She had her hair pulled back and wore a beautiful pair of emerald green chandelier earrings with a black shirt and black pants. Such a beautiful pop of color and the earrings looked stunning on her! Britt has coloring very similar to Kyle Richards from #RHOBH.
Regular viewers of the show will remember the gorgeous pair of of emeralds Kyle has worn several times. I think Angelina Jolie may have started the trend at the 2009 Academy Awards.
Regular viewers of the show will remember the gorgeous pair of of emeralds Kyle has worn several times. I think Angelina Jolie may have started the trend at the 2009 Academy Awards.
I'm sure Kyle and Angelina's jewels are worth millions but here's a similar version available at Francesca's (one of mine and T's favorite stores -- she gets lots of clothes there, I love their handbags and accessories): 

Friday, March 15, 2013
Some Good Reads
Some of my favorite authors have new books coming out this Spring! Love a good book -- at the beach, on the back deck, in between lacrosse games, at night, in the morning, rainy Sunday afternoon. I don't think there's ever a bad time for a book!
For all you DaVinci Code fans, Dan Brown's newest book, Inferno, will be released mid-May!
Here's a brief overview:
For all you DaVinci Code fans, Dan Brown's newest book, Inferno, will be released mid-May!
Here's a brief overview:
In the heart of Italy, Harvard professor of symbology Robert Langdon is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s most enduring and mysterious literary masterpieces . . . Dante’s Inferno. Against this backdrop, Langdon battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him into a landscape of classic art, secret passageways, and futuristic science. Drawing from Dante’s dark epic poem, Langdon races to find answers and decide whom to trust . . . before the world is irrevocably altered.
Sophie Kinsella fans can get excited for her new book, Wedding Night, which should arrive in stores just in time for bridal season!
Lottie just knows that her boyfriend is going to propose during lunch at one of London’s fanciest restaurants. But when his big question involves a trip abroad, not a trip down the aisle, she’s completely crushed. So when Ben, an old flame, calls her out of the blue and reminds Lottie of their pact to get married if they were both still single at thirty, she jumps at the chance. No formal dates—just a quick march to the altar and a honeymoon on Ikonos, the sun-drenched Greek island where they first met years ago. Their family and friends are horrified. Fliss, Lottie’s older sister, knows that Lottie can be impulsive—but surely this is her worst decision yet. And Ben’s colleague Lorcan fears that this hasty marriage will ruin his friend’s career. To keep Lottie and Ben from making a terrible mistake, Fliss concocts an elaborate scheme to sabotage their wedding night. As she and Lorcan jet off to Ikonos in pursuit, Lottie and Ben are in for a honeymoon to remember, for better . . . or worse.
One of my favorite authors of all-time, Edward Rutherfurd, has a new saga, Paris, coming out the end of April. Rutherfurd has also written New York, London (my favorite!), Russka (not my favorite) and Sarum. His books are huge, sweeping sagas spanning generations.
Moving back and forth in time across centuries, the story unfolds through intimate and vivid tales of self-discovery, divided loyalties , passion, and long-kept secrets of characters both fictional and real, all set against the backdrop of the glorious city—from the building of Notre Dame to the dangerous machinations of Cardinal Richlieu; from the glittering court of Versailles to the violence of the French Revolution and the Paris Commune; from the hedonism of the Belle Époque, the heyday of the impressionists, to the tragedy of the First World War; from the 1920s when the writers of the Lost Generation could be found drinking at Les Deux Magots to the Nazi occupation, the heroic efforts of the French Resistance, and the 1968 student revolt. With his unrivaled blend of impeccable research and narrative verve, Rutherfurd weaves an extraordinary narrative tapestry that captures all the glory of Paris. More richly detailed, more thrilling, and more romantic then anything Rutherfurd has written before, Paris: The Novel wonderfully illuminates hundreds of years in the City of Light and Love and brings the sights, scents, and tastes of Paris to sumptuous life.
Family Pictures, by Jane Green, is expected to be released next week. I've enjoyed some of her other books, Babyville, Bookends, Mr. Maybe.
Apparently there is also a sequel to The Devil Wears Prada but I haven't been able to find much about it. I think the original date was sometime this Spring but I don't know if that is still true. If anyone hears anything, let me know so I can update my blog! Thank you!
Sylvie thought she had already experienced the worst that life could deal her: After her husband died, leaving her to raise Eve alone, what more could happen? Years later, Sylvie has a good life. Her daughter Eve will head off to college soon, and her second husband, Mark, may be ready to settle down into a sales manager position. While life with Jonathan brimmed with the glow of young love, life with Mark rings with a secure love. Maybe it's Mark's traveling that has kept their love life sparking after 11 years--years that have seen other marriages fail. Yet all is not well, not well at all, in Eve's life. Struggling to hide her worsening eating disorder, not to mention her secret second Facebook account, Eve's once-close relationship with Sylvie is deteriorating. One fateful weekend, Eve goes to an all-girls party in New York City, where she meets a kindred spirit, Grace, and the two girls swiftly abandon the others to their partying. Grace takes Eve home, where she meets Chris, Grace's older brother, who is instantly attracted to her. Grace's mother, Maggie, is a perfectionist (even her husband calls her the General), who has adopted a posh accent and posted rules throughout the opulent house. And it is there, in Maggie's lovely Connecticut home, that Eve sees a photograph that will ruin two families. Riddled with coincidences and unlikely secrets, Green's (Another Piece of My Heart, 2012, etc.) latest still manages to explore complex family dynamics with warmth. An inverted fairy tale in which the happily-ever-after occurs without the prince.
Apparently there is also a sequel to The Devil Wears Prada but I haven't been able to find much about it. I think the original date was sometime this Spring but I don't know if that is still true. If anyone hears anything, let me know so I can update my blog! Thank you!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
It's OK Thursday
...to be really craving a Shamrock Shake
...that other than the Shamrock Shake, I don't really care much about St. Patrick's Day
...to wish that Justin Timberlake hosted SNL at least once a month. At least.
...that Daylight Saving Time is kicking my butt this week. I'll catch up. Eventually.
...that I watched a bunch of Harlem Shake videos on YouTube last night.
...that daughter #2 informed me that she needs some new school supplies. It's mid-March. Seriously?

...that other than the Shamrock Shake, I don't really care much about St. Patrick's Day
...to wish that Justin Timberlake hosted SNL at least once a month. At least.
...that Daylight Saving Time is kicking my butt this week. I'll catch up. Eventually.
...that I watched a bunch of Harlem Shake videos on YouTube last night.
...that daughter #2 informed me that she needs some new school supplies. It's mid-March. Seriously?
It's OK Thursday,
Justin Timberlake,
St. Patrick's Day
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
To Know Me is to ...
...well, you know the rest.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am just a big geeky nerd at heart. Sunday's have been a big hit with me the last couple of weeks now that "Amazing Race" is back on. And, of course, I luv, luv, luv the two new series on the History Channel: "The Bible" and "The Vikings." Considering that the Vikings airs immediately after the Bible, this week was a little strange -- the Vikings found land after being a sea and raided a monastery. @HistoryVikings
I also love being a Libra (I've been one since birth!). I follow a couple of fun Libra specific Twitter accounts and for the most part, I am a true Libra through and through (can't stand drama or BS, like to read and be left alone sometimes, loyal, etc). However, there's one thing I am not and that is indecisive. Several of these Libra Twitter accounts post that Libra women have a hard time making up their minds. Not me. I'm quick to a decision and that's that. I rarely, if ever, change my mind. @Libras_R_Us @LibraTerms
And finally, in honor of our new Pope, please enjoy some trivia about the Vatican!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am just a big geeky nerd at heart. Sunday's have been a big hit with me the last couple of weeks now that "Amazing Race" is back on. And, of course, I luv, luv, luv the two new series on the History Channel: "The Bible" and "The Vikings." Considering that the Vikings airs immediately after the Bible, this week was a little strange -- the Vikings found land after being a sea and raided a monastery. @HistoryVikings
I also love being a Libra (I've been one since birth!). I follow a couple of fun Libra specific Twitter accounts and for the most part, I am a true Libra through and through (can't stand drama or BS, like to read and be left alone sometimes, loyal, etc). However, there's one thing I am not and that is indecisive. Several of these Libra Twitter accounts post that Libra women have a hard time making up their minds. Not me. I'm quick to a decision and that's that. I rarely, if ever, change my mind. @Libras_R_Us @LibraTerms
And finally, in honor of our new Pope, please enjoy some trivia about the Vatican!
Amazing Race,
History Channel,
The Bible,
Monday, March 11, 2013
Monday Miscellaneous
- Today at work a friend asked how my weekend was and said that I looked "well rested." Thank you. I think. Now I'm worried about tomorrow.
- Folks, I have a lot of hair. A lot. It's not particularly long but it is very thick and very heavy and there's a lot of it. Cosmo says my hair follicles are so close together you can hardly see scalp. And it takes FOREVER to dry. So that's why I very rarely dry it and usually just pull it back or up. So today, despite losing an hour of sleep but still managing to somehow look "well rested" I had plenty of time to do my hair. At least 10 people asked me if I had gotten it cut (including my own child) and / or if I got it colored. No. There's just a lot of hair going on and it looks really different when it's "done."
- So JLoveHewitt thinks her boobs are worth $5mil. OK Jenn. I see your boobs and raise you. Seriously. Mine are bigger and mine are 100% real (not implying that hers are not; just saying mine are not store bought). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/10/jennifer-love-hewitt-boobs-worth-5-million_n_2849346.html?utm_hp_ref=jennifer-love-hewitt I just never understood the whole "insuring a body part" (yes, I'm talking to you Jenny-From-The-Block, Mary Hart, Heidi Klum). An pitcher insuring his arm or shoulder, OK. A concert pianist insuring his hands, you bet. But a boob? I mean, how many women lose a boob (other than to breast cancer). You really don't hear of too many women being in a horrible accident and having to have a boob amputated. Or, in JLo's case, an ass amputated.
Jennifer Love Hewitt,
Jenny from the Block,
Sunday, March 10, 2013
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb
March roars in like a lion
So fierce,
The wind so cold,
It seems to pierce.
The month rolls on
And Spring draws near,
And March goes out
Like a lamb so dear
(by Lorie Hill)
I think March roared in this year and is starting to go out like a lamb. Guess it just depends on where you live! Here in the South we had a lot of rain and several cold days, in the North they've had a lot of snow. Yesterday and today the weather has been just beautiful (although very windy today!).
When I was a kid we had a gorgeous lilac bush in our backyard and forsythia bushes around the perimeter. To me, that lilac bush and those forsythia bushes just screamed SPRING! Looking back at some old photos, we had some pretty momentous occasions captured in front of that lilac bush! Communions, prom photos, Easter photos. That was "the" spot to get your photo taken when you were all dressed up. I find myself doing the same thing with my girls. We've been standing in the same spot(s) for the last 14 years for Communions, 1st Day of school, proms, 1st Day of t-ball/softball (fresh new uniforms!), graduation (pre-school, elementary school, middle school and high school!), heading off the college, etc. Some day we'll have an engaged couple, maybe a couple of wedding photos (1 wedding per daughter, please!) and hopefully some healthy, happy beautiful grandbabies!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Happy Happy Happy
I mean seriously! What's not to be happy about today? It's Friday, the sun is shining, I'm wearing some super cute arm candy, had the sunroof open and the tunes cranking on my way into the office this morning, my girl is coming home for the weekend and oh! Did I mention it's Friday??!!
KJ is feeling better and headed back to school today. She's been on the antibiotics and ear drops for two days now. She went to volleyball last night even though her coach told her to stay home and rest for this weekend's tournament. KJ really loves this team and I was very surprised yet pleased when she said she wanted to go to practice even though I knew she was feeling puny. We love, love, love her coaches this year. Coach B is super sweet yet firm with the girls and uses every opportunity to coach. She's very positive and encourages the girls to do their very best and to support each other.
Coach had a rough night last night. They pulled out a win but played horrible the entire first half. He calls this game the annual meet-up of the Catholics vs. the Convicts. I think the Catholics were a little annoyed that they didn't end of with MAR in a green uniform and came out a little more aggressive than anticipated. A decision was finally handed down late Wednesday evening after Coach, MAR and his parents presented their arguments regarding the situation. What tipped the scales in Hoover's favor was the revelation that there were several players on other teams that were playing outside of their zones. So, #MarkAllenHasBeenSaved
KJ is feeling better and headed back to school today. She's been on the antibiotics and ear drops for two days now. She went to volleyball last night even though her coach told her to stay home and rest for this weekend's tournament. KJ really loves this team and I was very surprised yet pleased when she said she wanted to go to practice even though I knew she was feeling puny. We love, love, love her coaches this year. Coach B is super sweet yet firm with the girls and uses every opportunity to coach. She's very positive and encourages the girls to do their very best and to support each other.
Coach had a rough night last night. They pulled out a win but played horrible the entire first half. He calls this game the annual meet-up of the Catholics vs. the Convicts. I think the Catholics were a little annoyed that they didn't end of with MAR in a green uniform and came out a little more aggressive than anticipated. A decision was finally handed down late Wednesday evening after Coach, MAR and his parents presented their arguments regarding the situation. What tipped the scales in Hoover's favor was the revelation that there were several players on other teams that were playing outside of their zones. So, #MarkAllenHasBeenSaved
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Getting ready for back to back Spring Breaks for the girls. T is driving in Friday night to pick up her friend from Auburn and then on Saturday everyone is driving to FL. As of right now, there will be 14 girls at the house this weekend. We've basically turned into a bed and breakfast. Seriously. They'll go out for dinner Friday night, I'll find them breakfast Saturday morning and send them on their merry way. And then they'll stop back here on their way home from Spring Break. Again . . . bed and breakfast.
Tonight KJ and I did some major shopping for her Spring Break trip. She got 5 pairs of shorts, 2 bathing suits, 7 tops, 2 belts, a pair of sandals and a pair of sneakers. And a bunch of make-up. The poor thing didn't go to school today and Poppa Bear took her to the doctor. She has an ear infection and a sinus infection. But shopping cures everything.
Tonight KJ and I did some major shopping for her Spring Break trip. She got 5 pairs of shorts, 2 bathing suits, 7 tops, 2 belts, a pair of sandals and a pair of sneakers. And a bunch of make-up. The poor thing didn't go to school today and Poppa Bear took her to the doctor. She has an ear infection and a sinus infection. But shopping cures everything.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Despite the chilly temps . . .
...Spring has sprung! Well, inside my house at least! While I had the house all to myself, my goal this weekend was to get my Spring tablescape up. Mission accomplished.
The two little birdies and topiary are new this year. I picked them up at Michael's the other day. I've had the vase for a while (Southern Living at Home, maybe??).
The tealight holders are also a new purchase this year. I found them on One Kings Lane and instantly fell in love!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Birthday Swap
I love doing swaps and a birthday swap sounds so fun! I've done two since I started blogging: one was a pink swap where all the items had to be pink (obvs) and the most recent one was at Christmas. I'd love to thank the person who had my name because she sent some beautiful things but she didn't send a card and there was no return address!

Click on the link below and join the fun!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Love so much that the Hoover boys have rallied around a fellow lacrosse player. Extremely proud of them and they are learning a valuable life lesson. It's not all about winning. They have taken a stand and are supporting MAR every way they know. They're using #savemarkallen for all of their tweets and are also willing to forfeit games if it means allowing him to play.
MAR has been playing the game since middle school. Unfortunately, the Varsity team he played for didn't have the numbers or the talent so they dropped to JV. MAR was the only senior on his team and is an incredible player who has the potential to get recruited. Unfortunately, no one is going to take him seriously if he's playing on a JV team. So, because he's played for Coach with Bamalax and knows most of the Hoover players, he requested to play for a different team. Which should not be an issue since the sport is not sanctioned. This has nothing to do with the school district or the AHSAA or anyone else who has nothing to do with the sport. Unfortunately, the GBYLA, the governing body for local Birmingham lacrosse has decided that MAR should play at JCCHS or another private school. Which makes no sense. The rule has always been that if a child wants to play but his local school does not have a team, he plays for the next nearest team. Which, in MAR's case, is Hoover. He's not Catholic nor has he ever attended private schools.
This is a young man who just wants to play a sport that he loves. This is not a young man who is whining or complaining about he's playing time. He's never had an issue with a coach or another player. He just wants to play lacrosse. #SaveMarkAllen
MAR has been playing the game since middle school. Unfortunately, the Varsity team he played for didn't have the numbers or the talent so they dropped to JV. MAR was the only senior on his team and is an incredible player who has the potential to get recruited. Unfortunately, no one is going to take him seriously if he's playing on a JV team. So, because he's played for Coach with Bamalax and knows most of the Hoover players, he requested to play for a different team. Which should not be an issue since the sport is not sanctioned. This has nothing to do with the school district or the AHSAA or anyone else who has nothing to do with the sport. Unfortunately, the GBYLA, the governing body for local Birmingham lacrosse has decided that MAR should play at JCCHS or another private school. Which makes no sense. The rule has always been that if a child wants to play but his local school does not have a team, he plays for the next nearest team. Which, in MAR's case, is Hoover. He's not Catholic nor has he ever attended private schools.
This is a young man who just wants to play a sport that he loves. This is not a young man who is whining or complaining about he's playing time. He's never had an issue with a coach or another player. He just wants to play lacrosse. #SaveMarkAllen
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