
So much gong on the next couple of weeks, it will be a miracle if I survive the month of March!
This week coming up is high school dance team try-outs. So glad that phase of our lives is over (except I now have to worry about Rebelettes)! T had a wonderful time being a Bnette but that try-out week is a killer! So stressful on the girls AND the parents! I think there are over 70 girls trying-out this year. Of course every parent wants their child to do well and make the squad and we certainly know how it felt not to make it one year. Damn near broke my heart to see T upset. But, she got back to the studio and worked her ass off to make the squad the following year and has truly enjoyed every bit of it . . . the grueling practice schedule, the dance competitions, the football games, the band competitions, basketball games, pep rally's. Everything. Very, very proud of my Bnette and can't wait to have her "sparkley" and boots framed in a shadowbox for a graduation gift.
Lax season is underway. Coach had games in Nash-Vegas this past weekend (lost Saturday night; won Sunday). T's season started Saturday with a HUGE win against Huntsville (T had 4 goals and by the end of the 2nd quarter the coaches took all our starters out; she spent the rest of the game in sweats and flip-flops) and vball is going great! Last week KJ's squad scrimmaged against the 13 year old team and her coach finally pulled her out after she scored 9 points. The 13 year old coach was mad and made her girls run laps because the younger squad was scoring on them. This weekend's tournament in Huntsville however was a little rough. The girls were all out of it and we did not play great.
Cosmo starts his new job today! Whoop! Whoop! So exciting! It was a tough decision and we had a lot of family meetings, a lot of soul searching and figuring out what's best for the 4 of us and not worry about any outside influences or distractions.
After her lax game this weekend, T will drive out to Oxford for a dance team clinic and is staying in one of the sorority houses with a friend. Just when I thought I didn't have to worry about dance team try-outs anymore, I now have to worry about her making the college squad. Sheesh. T's graduation announcements arrived in the mail the other day. Cosmo & I just kind of looked at each other and said, "This sh*t just got real."
So we've got another busy week of vball and lax on the calendar and 2 more vball tournaments before Spring Break, a trip to Chicago right before Spring Break, Spring Break itself (YES!!!) and then Rebelettes try-outs. March isn't even here yet and as far as I'm concerned, it's already over.
It's OK . . .
...that T-bone maybe doing an internship this summer from May to August. No really. It's OK. I thought we'd have one last summer w/ her before she went off to college but this is something she really wants and the experience will be incredible. It's OK. I just need to keep telling myself that.
I actually happen to really enjoy watching these movies w/ KJ!!!
And then, over on the Today Show, they're talking about parents who won't read Fairy Tales to their kids anymore because they are "Too Scary."
What in the world are we doing to our kids?? We give out participation ribbons/medals in youth sports and we celebrate mediocrity. I know. I know. Not everyone is going to be an academic or athletic superstar. I get it. But when we tell kids, "It's OK. You did your best" when maybe they really didn't do their best, some thing's wrong. Our friend the chaperon said all weekend he heard nothing but excuses: "I'm doing my very best" or "Well, I'm trying." You know these kids hear that at home. "Well, honey. Just do your best. That's all anyone can ask of you." True. We want our kids to do their best and give their very best effort in whatever they do. However, what we're really implying is "Do your very best AND THEN SOME."
Now, I'm not one of those Chinese Tiger Mom's by any means but I do hope Cosmo & I have given our kids the skills and knowledge to become secure, confident, mature, responsible functioning human beings. Our kids have always had daily chores to do in our house (even when I had a cleaning lady, the girls were still responsible for their rooms) and have always had to help do yardwork. T has been working part-time at the lacrosse store since it opened and KJ will follow in her footsteps when the time comes. The girls have played sports since they were little (soccer, dance, softball, lacrosse and now volleyball). They have always been responsible for their own uniforms and equipment. The rule is: "Keep your stuff together." Take your cleats off, put them right back in the duffel bag. Take your uniform off, put it right in the laundry room. I can't wash it if it's stuffed in the bottom of your bag. Daughter #1 has always been responsible. I don't think she's EVER called me in a panic because she forgot something or lost something. I do remember one time after a violent thunderstorm at the softball fields that sent us all scrambling, T's coach called and said he found her glove in the dugout. KJ on the other hand is a complete mess. We've shown up at dance only to find out we have one tap shoe. We've arrived at lacrosse without a stick. She's called me in a tizzy from school several times because she's forgotten an assignment or her gym clothes and is going to get in trouble or have to sit out. Oh well. That'll learn ya'. That'll learn ya' real quick.
This dress is beautiful but she needs a little more support in the boob area. Oh, and ditch the blue hair. She looks like a Smurfette!
I think last Spring's tablescape was one of my favorites. It just kind of evolved and I think it's much closer to my sense of style. I like mixing the old and the new. I like rustic, well-loved pieces that tell a story.