Thursday, November 29, 2007
Scenes from Christmases Past
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I am ghostly
#F8F8FF |
Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy. Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation. |
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I realize I am way too "experienced" (since entering my 40's I refuse to use the word "old") for this young man (unless he's got a Ashton/Demi thing going on) but I think he is absolutely adorable. Not sure what's going on w/ the banana AND the cigarette (oral fixation, perhaps?). Anyway, the reason why I brought it up is because I saw something about him being in the new Indiana Jones movie. The India Jones trilogy contains 2 of my favorite movies (I hated the 2nd installment w/ all those dirty kids working in the mine and I really hated the part when they eat the frozen monkey brains). I also saw that National Treasure is coming out w/ a sequel and that, too is one of my favorite movies. I like the Action/Adventure stuff w/ a little bit of history thrown in for good measure.
Glistening Gumdrops

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Roll Tide Roll

Nice quiet day. My lower back has been hurting very badly the last couple of days so Chris let me sleep in this morning. All of my Thanksgiving decorations are put away, tomorrow we'll do Christmas decorations. I've been so cold today; just can't get warm. My toes feel like icicles.
Friday, November 23, 2007
No Joy in Hoo-ville Tonight

In other football news, dear Hubby is in a tizzy. Not sure what he's going to do tomorrow night. Alabama vs. Auburn game is on the same time as the Kansas vs. Missouri game. Not entirely sure why cares about Kansas OR Missouri but he's discussing setting up 2 TV's (apparently picture-in-picture will not cut it Saturday night). Roll Tide Roll!
Black Friday

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
We have a lot to be thankful for this year and I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by those they love! Although we weren't with friends or family, we thought of you all today and kept you in our hearts.
My bird came out pretty good if I do say so myself and T was a big help in the kitchen this year! However, the best part about our Thanksgiving day dinner was not the food, it was during dessert when KJ made T laugh so hard she spewed milk all over the table. It's just not a holiday in our house unless a beverage comes out your nose.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I don't "do" Wordless Wednesdays!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Is it still Tuesday?
Here's a pic of Chris & the guys from their football frenzy weekend in Dallas.
Left to Right: Spaulds, Fruit, Bubba & Cosmo.
Feels like it's been a loooooonnnnnggg day. T had an orthodontist appointment this morning. They put crazy rubber bands on her teeth, almost look like a spider web or something. She looks kind of creepy. She goes back in 2 weeks, they do something (not sure what -- maybe take the wires off??), she goes back in another 2 weeks and she's all done! YaY!
T and I ran a couple of errands/Christmas shopping before I was supposed to take her back to school but we ended up going to Roly Poly for lunch and decided, "the heck w/ it!" She's just going to hang out at home for the rest of the day. I don't think they were doing too much in school today. Tonight, she's at ME's w/ a whole bunch of other kids. Looks like this "getting together w/ friends" is turning into a weekly event.
No major plans for Wednesday. I still have to pick up a couple of things for Turkey day but again, nothing major. Gobble! Gobble!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sloth Sunday
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Social Saturday
T's got a bunch of kids coming over tonight (it started off as a couple of kids, I think she's crossed the line into a full-fledged party). I'm hiding in the basement. We were able to build and sustain a fire on the deck even w/ Chris gone. Go girl power!
Today the 75lbs. youth football team played the Clay Cougars for the SEYFL championship. These little Hoover boys are something else! Totally undefeated! It was a gorgeous day for football. No problems w/ any over-zealous fans this week. :-) I'm sad, in a way, to see the season end. I've really gotten to know and love all the little girls on my squad. However, I am REALLY looking forward to sleeping in late next Saturday!!! That 9 am game just about KILLED me each week!!! It wasn't the early kick-off time, it was the travel time, the getting KJ dressed and ready to go time, etc.
The girls and I had lunch at Wings and then ran to the mall. KJ makes her reconciliation in December and the kid truly has nothing to wear. I'm not very good at getting the girls to church so she doesn't really have "church" / Sunday kind of clothes and T's hand-me-downs either don't fit or are the wrong season. She bought a cute gold satin long sleeve top to wear w/ brown gaucho's she bought a week or 2 ago at Limited Too (I think she's going to save that outfit for Christmas). She also bought a cute black & white short sleeve dress to wear for church (don't forget, she's my sweaty kid . . . she can get overheated in an igloo) and she actually bought a brown 3-piece suit to wear for her reconcilliation. She looked like she was going on an interview. T picked out a sweater and necklace from Buckle to put away for Christmas. I think she knows everyone of her Christmas presents so far. Hopefully I can surprise her w/ a few things. Buckle had some really cool jeans for T but I'm not about to spend $96 on jeans for an 8th grader. I love her alot but not that much!
Cosmo has landed in Dallas and met up w/ his college buddies: Spaulds, Bubba & Fruit (don't ask!). Tonight was the TCU game; tomorrow is the Cowboys.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Freaky Fun-Filled Friday

"Cowboys and Redskins is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, game in the NFL. When the schedule came out, the first thing I looked for was when do we play Dallas? It's here finally. " -- Unknown
Chris took the girls to school this morning and then got back into bed w/ me so we could snuggle. We snuggled until after 9 AM. It was chilly and he kept me warm. He leaves bright & early Saturday for his annual football frenzy weekend. Saturday they have TCU vs. UNLV tickets and Sunday is the Cowboys vs. Redskins. I know I was not a happy camper about last year's trip (OK, I basically made Chris's life a living hell) but to show that I've built a bridge and am over it, I bought him a Cowboys jersey to wear to the game and a Cowboy Nerf football to throw around while they're tailgating. I'm torn about who to root for: the girls and I watch that show on the Country Music channel about the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders making the team but I also liked cheering for the Redskins when we lived in MD. Hmmm.....
We may or may not go to tonight's Hoover game vs. Hueytown at the Met (Regions Park, whatever!!!). First, it's going to be a little cold. Not that this Northern gal can't handle it but I'd rather stay at home w/ a cup of hot chocolate reading a book. Secondly, Chris has to get up early for his flight to Dallas and KJ & I have to cheer at 9 AM in Trussville. We all know I am NOT much of a morning person!
Other than our Saturday morning football game, the girls & I don't have much planned for the weekend. I think T is having some friends over Saturday night and KJ has a scout meeting Sunday afternoon. I am off from playschool all week next week!!! YAY!!! We are all SO looking forward to the long Thanksgiving weekend!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Twisted Thursday

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
What Is Wordless Wednesday??

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Feel like Crapola

Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Last Night's Cheer Party

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Fanatic Football Fans

Friday, November 9, 2007
Finally, It's Friday

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Beautiful weather today. I love it . . . crisp, cool air; plenty of sunshine.
Our new little girl started at playschool today, Anna Beth. She did wonderful. A couple of cries for mama but nothing major. She snuggled w/ me in the rocking chair and fell asleep for about a half-hour. Camila, Hunter and Meredith all fell asleep too today. 4 out of 7 babies were out like a light! I call them babies but technically I guess they're toddlers (18 - 24 months).
Started Christmas shopping today. The girl at Toys R Us was a complete idiot (she kept yawning and rubbing her eyes like she was exhausted. You work at Toys R Us, how hard can it be???). I purchased something (can't say what because I don't want that person to read what it is on my blog!) and the dumb ass didn't put it in my bag. I was halfway out of the store and for some reason I looked in the bag and sure enough, it wasn't in there. I went BACK to the cashier and she looked at me like I had 2 heads. The item I bought was sitting right on the counter where she left it.
With 2 daughters, I rarely have to buy little boy presents. Brandon, my only nephew, has turned 4 and it seems like this is the first year he's out of the "baby" stuff. I wanted to buy him something from Disney's Cars. I'm used to pink or pastel colored packaging (i.e, Barbie, Littlest Pet Shop, My Little Pony). I went down one of the boy aisles and felt like I had entered a entirely different dimension. Everything was in really dark boxes, red or deep blue and had really angry, bold lettering. It was really weird.
Hubby gets home from Dallas tonight. KJ has homework to catch up on. T has hip-hop and really needs to get her eyebrows waxed. She has a serious aversion to tweezers but has no problem letting a stranger pour hot wax on her face.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Wedding Shoes
I have to watch KJ's class on Thursday while the teacher has a planning meeting. It's always a trip being up at the school with the kids.
Crap! I just caught Buddy eating a red crayon.
Two 4 Tuesday

Monday, November 5, 2007
cold snap coming thru

Quiet day at playschool today. The babies played really, really well together so we didn't want to disrupt the mojo by doing a craft or making them go outside (don't forget, we have one little girl who HATES to be outside...MAJOR freak out!). Our little friend, Jeries (aka JuJu) has left us to visit family in Jordan and a little girl was supposed to take his place today. She was a no show. Margaret and I were quite relived. We've got the kids right where we want them and for someone to start mid-November would just be chaotic. My little friend Hunter snuggled in my lap today and I rocked him to sleep. He slept in my arms for more than a half-hour. I think in my next life I'll be one of those ladies in the NICU who rocks crack babies.
Big plans to catch up my TiVo. I have 2 weeks worth of Oprah and a bunch of "Passport to Europe" to watch. Boy, that Samantha Brown has some life, huh??? I want to be her when I grow up. Room service, housekeeping, exotic ports of call (and she's got a cute little haircut, too!). How'd she get that gig???
Sunday, November 4, 2007
My heart goes out to the families involved:

As part of a prank, somebody stole 75 lawn ornaments from around town and placed them meticulously on and around the lawn of one house on Oct. 17, police said.
Among the figurines are plastic and porcelain geese, deer, frogs are gnomes.
Police took them back to the station to help find the rightful owners.
"We need to get them out of here," Capt. Richard Harrison said. "Every time I leave my office they're sitting in my chair, working on my computer. I can't seem to get rid of the darn things."
The figurines will be put out for public viewing on Tuesday.
"If they come here and they can identify it we're more than happy to let the gnome go home," Harrison said.
Figurines that aren't claimed will be sold at auction.
Parachute Pants & Leg Warmers, Anyone???

Friday, November 2, 2007
Friday Night Lights
Speaking of Friday Night Lights, it's high school football play-off time. Hoover is playing Theodore tonight. T is at the game, KJ and I have been watching it on the local cable channel (Chris is somewhere in the skies flying home from Dallas). It was 56-7 at the half. I think next week Hoover plays at Florence.
Got to talk to my brother earlier tonight, my nephew, my sister-in-law and my dad. Brandon was totally delightful tonight (come on, he's 4. He's pretty hit or miss on the phone). We had a wonderful phone conversation. He told me all about gymnastics, we talked Penn State football (according to Mr. B, they're the blue team), we discussed the merits of trick or treating and we debated the current crisis in the middle east. Ha! Just checking to see if you were still reading. He told me all about the footy pajamas he was wearing and he told me how he smashed his meat in his mashed potatoes at dinner and ate it all up so he could have TWO desserts.
I started reading a book my cousin Heather sent me called, "Pledged." Obviously, it's about Greek Life. As I read the prologue I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. I thought, this is just going to spout off a bunch of statistics and bash sororities and fraternities. While I do think many of the stories told in the book are not exclusive to Greek Life but are indicative of college life in general (i.e., the drunken frat parties, the meaningless sex / hook-ups, date rape, rampant drug use), the book does raise the question about the exclusivity of sororities and fraternities and addresses many stereotypes. Having never attended college let alone stepped foot in a sorority, I'm fascinated by this book. I'm more than halfway thru the book and as I'm reading, one question pops into my head repeatedly: "What will I do / say when one of my girls wants to join a sorority??" Keep in mind, I have an 8th grader. Pledging will be here before I know it. Crap.
Big football match-ups Saturday: Hoover 75 lbs. squad versus someone who's going to lose. Penn State vs. Perdue (sorry Steve-o. Godchild says you're going down!). Alabama versus LSU. I'll be watching Nemo on Ice w/ a bunch of Brownies.
Not So Newsworthy Friday
My friend Tracy has a wonderful quote on her blog today about Hoover football. While I was not a Propst fan, I was not a Propst basher, either. The last couple of weeks, however, I begin to feel that he just needed to go. His little girl was on Taylor's softball team this spring and was a super sweet girl. I feel very sorry for his family and for the boys who played football this year. What a horrible distraction. Whatever Propst did in his personal life is between him, his wife and his God. No one is perfect. The grade changing bothered me but again, the teachers that did it were adults and should have been mature and confident to make their own decisions. The "illegal" player just stumped me. Why didn't a school secretary pick up on this? I know each year when I register my kids for school there is a section about custody papers, etc. Also, I can probably name 10 kids (some in my own neighborhood) who are attending Hoover schools because one of their divorced parents still lives here while the custodial parent moved into a different school district. I am also horribly disappointed with the Board of Ed. I believe Andy Craig is doing the right thing by taking a "wait and see" approach before making any comments. Suzy Baker, however, needs to shut the hell up. Apparently she is SOOOOO anti-Hoover and SOOOOO pro-Spain Park. I love how she makes comments about Propst's morality yet she's the one who appears on camera with shockingly low-cut clothes to show off the best boobs money can buy. Rumor is Bryant Gumble is trying to interview her for HBO. God help us all.
Anyway, those are my random, rambling thoughts for the day.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Birthday Pop !!!

"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." -- Kahlil Gibran
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." -- George Burns
"If someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a kind word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary things begin to happen." -- Loretta Girzaitis
"Every man's memory is his private literature." -- Aldous Huxley
Very quiet here today. Hubby is in Dallas, kids are at school. Just me and the dog. KJ made the bus this morning; T, unfortunately did not. I had to drive back home from the bus stop and put on some decent clothes (I was still in my jammies when I drove her to the bus stop) and then drive her to middle school (God forbid I should get into a car accident on SSC Road w/out a bra on!!). My two lovelies are in for a rude awakening when they get home today. The are CLEANING their rooms and I do mean CLEANING. Stuffed animals are taking over KJ's room and clothes (not sure what's clean and what's dirty) are taking over T's.
Very nice day again today; I've got all the windows open and I'm enjoying the fresh air. Time to take down the Halloween decorations and switch everything over to Pilgirms & Turkeys!