OMG! Did you watch SNL last night? The opening sequence w/ Tina Fey (Sarah Palin) and Amy Poehler (Hilary Clinton) was hysterical! Although I thought Tina Fey was awesome, Amy Poehler totally knocked it out of the park. I thought she had Hilary Clinton down to a T! When they did that whole "do you know what the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull is" skit, I almost lost it!
Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton: "But Sarah, one thing we can agree on is that sexism can never be allowed to permeate an American election."
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: "So please, stop photoshopping my head on sexy bikini pictures."
Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton: "And stop saying I have cankles."
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: "Don't refer to me as a 'MILF.'"
Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton: "And don't refer to me as a 'FLRG.' I Googled what it stands for and I do not like it."
Are you sure that the term is "FLRG?" I googled it too (and FLRJ, Flurg, Flurj, Fleurge...).
To follow are a few of the many options that appeared when I googled FLRG: "f**king liberal repulsive girl" and "fat Lesbian, Regular Guy"
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