Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Don't put that Tree away!!

KJ begged me to buy a fake (obviously) pink tabletop Christmas tree this past year and now I wish I had. I came across these Valentine's Day photos and thought these fuzzy trees were so cute! Luv, luv, luv Valentine's Day and I can't wait to decorate. I've got some great ideas for my mantle and dining room!

Believe it or not, I still have some Christmas decorations to put away (I know! Shocking!) but everything is up in the guest room and out of the way. It just needs to be carefully wrapped and packed and put in the attic. I think there's some Thanksgiving stuff laying around up there, too.

Meanwhile, daughter #1 is slowly trying to kill me. She's been "talking" to a boy at Vestavia for over 2 weeks now and doesn't know if she should ask him to her Sadies Hawkins dance or not. If she's going to ask him, fine. Go ahead and ask him. I just don't want her to wait until the last minute because I don't want to be scrambling for a dress, shoes and accessories. She "thinks" she likes him but isn't really sure (they were together every night the last week of Christmas break). In all honesty, she'd really prefer not going to the dance at all. As much of a social butterfly she is, she positively HATES all the drama associated with these type of events . . . who's in which group, who's going to which after-party, blah, blah, blah. She said that crap totally sucks the fun out of the dance for her. It also drives her INSANE when girls ask the boys waaaaaayy too early (i.e., before Christmas) and then things change, there's a ton of drama, things are awkward and uncomfortable for everyone, etc. Aah yes. Those wonderful high school years.

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Some of My Favorite Quotes

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -- Dr. Seuss

"Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful." -- Sophia Loren

"There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them." -- Sylvia Plath

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.” – Oscar Wilde

If people are truly, madly, deeply in love with each other, they will find a way.~Gilda Radner

“Never judge a day by its weather. Sunshine is uplifting; rain, nourishing; wind, exhilarating; snow, cleansing; hail, stimulating. Any weather is better than none.” -- Author Unknown

"Everything you see I owe to spaghetti." -- Sophia Loren

"I know I'm vulgar, but would you have me any other way?" -- Elizabeth Taylor

"After thirty, a body has a mind of its own." -- Bette Midler

"Cherish forever what makes you unique, 'cuz you're really a yawn if it goes." -- Bette Midler

“I know I can be diva-ish sometimes, but I have to be in control. The nature of my life, the nature of what I do, is divadom, it really is." -- Mariah Carey

"I want minimum information given with maximum politeness." -- Jackie Kennedy Onassis

"I've been called a diva, queen diva, diva supreme, and I love it. However, that's really for others to decide, not me." -- Aretha Franklin

"No one loves a party more than I. I am a people person." -- Aretha Franklin

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." -- Jackie Kennedy Onassis
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