Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Official College Visit Under our Belt

“You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does...” -- Tom Petty

After a really rough day of traveling back to Bham, Cosmo & T finally made it home!
They took the 5:25 AM (Eastern time!) subway from the hotel to the Philly airport for their 8 AM flight only to find out the flight had been delayed. They boarded the plane, de-boarded the plane, re-boarded the plane, etc. and ended up missing their connection in Nashville. Fortunately, the airline was able to put them on the very next flight. Unfortunately, that too was delayed and they didn't leave Nashville until 6:15 PM. T ended up missing Bnettes practice and her ACT prep class last night but had her ACT stuff with her and did some studying/worksheets while sitting in the airport.

T was exhausted last night when they finally got home but I was able to talk to her for a few minutes about her campus tour. She really liked the school, very urban. Liked the lacrosse program, liked the coaches. Cosmo joked around that T is not a scrimmager, she's a gamer. I guess she didn't look so hot in warm-ups but killed it once they started playing a little 1 on 1, etc. In all honesty, who cares what you do pre-game. It's what you do on the field.

They had a busy trip to Philly. Sunday one of Cosmo's lax buddies and his little daughter met them at the airport and they all went to a sports bar to watch the Jets kick some butt (whoo! hoo!). Our nephew, Travis, also met them for drinks/dinner that night. Monday, my brother and sister-in-law had off for MLK day so they drove down to Philly to spend the day w/ Cosmo & T. So jealous! T got to spend some time w/ Witch Face (that's what I call my 4-year old neice and she LOVES it! She tells everyone, "My Aunt Valerie calls me Witch Face."). After my brother and his crew headed home, Cosmo & T walked to the Hard Rock for dinner and explored the city a little bit on their own. So, all in all T had a good visit, she likes the school but is still keeping her options open. In any event, we're super-duper proud of her. She's spreading her wings and wants to fly. I just hope she doesn't fly too far away.

"A college is a place where pebbles are polished and diamonds dimmed." -- Robert Ingersoll

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Some of My Favorite Quotes

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -- Dr. Seuss

"Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful." -- Sophia Loren

"There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them." -- Sylvia Plath

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.” – Oscar Wilde

If people are truly, madly, deeply in love with each other, they will find a way.~Gilda Radner

“Never judge a day by its weather. Sunshine is uplifting; rain, nourishing; wind, exhilarating; snow, cleansing; hail, stimulating. Any weather is better than none.” -- Author Unknown

"Everything you see I owe to spaghetti." -- Sophia Loren

"I know I'm vulgar, but would you have me any other way?" -- Elizabeth Taylor

"After thirty, a body has a mind of its own." -- Bette Midler

"Cherish forever what makes you unique, 'cuz you're really a yawn if it goes." -- Bette Midler

“I know I can be diva-ish sometimes, but I have to be in control. The nature of my life, the nature of what I do, is divadom, it really is." -- Mariah Carey

"I want minimum information given with maximum politeness." -- Jackie Kennedy Onassis

"I've been called a diva, queen diva, diva supreme, and I love it. However, that's really for others to decide, not me." -- Aretha Franklin

"No one loves a party more than I. I am a people person." -- Aretha Franklin

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." -- Jackie Kennedy Onassis
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