KJ had her first middle school dance this weekend and had a good time. She said it was "kind of lame" at first and then just when things were getting good, it was time to go home. It was only from 5:30 to 7 PM and it was a lot of work for just an hour and a half. I did KJ's hair and make-up and also helped LG w/ her hair when she came over for photos. KJ said I should be a hair & make-up artist for Chanel. She's too damn funny.
Saturday I attended my friend's annual "card addressing" party. I don't think I've ever seen a guest actually address their cards. Lots of good food and lots of good drink. I do love me some mimosas. I've always said I could start each day off w/ champagne!
T had conditioning Saturday morning and then worked at the store for a little bit both Saturday & Sunday. Sunday night Cosmo & T went to the soccer game at the Met (it will always be the Met to me) and had a really good time. Sounds like it was a great game! We had a nice family dinner when they got home and everyone was relaxed and ready for Monday morning.

Friday was T's visit to Ole Miss and I am proud and excited to say her college search has officially ended! She luv'd luv'd luv'd everything about Ole Miss . . . communications program, location, size, setting, safety, lax team. Everything. She's officially been accepted into the journalism program and as far as T is concerned, this is a done deal. Because of her grades she will qualify for the Honors Program, in-state tuition and additional scholarship money as well. Although it was kind of stressful at times, T conducted her search in a mature, wel-informed fashion and it was a learning lesson for all of us.

Because of lacrosse tournaments, she was inundadted with calls and letters from various coaches who had seen her play. Right off the bat she eliminated those schools that did not have her major. She handled herself so well each time a coach called. I know it was akward for her but she was very honest and told them up front thank you but she wasn't interested. She didn't want to waste anyone's time. After that, she did some research on the schools she was interested in and scheduled some visits. She found something she liked at each of the schools she visited but none of them were the total package the way Ole Miss was. FSC's campus was magnificent and she loved the idea of being in FL, spending time at the beach and learning to water ski. She loved the urban setting of Temple but there was zero lax $$$ and I worried about her safety. She loved the northern rural setting of Slippery Rock but didn't like the fact that her tour guide refered to it as a "suitcase" school. She worried about being 20+ hours from home and having nothing to do on the weekends. FSU was always a top contender but the out of state tuition would have sent her daddy into a tizzy. She also loved U of FL and of course, she loved Alabama. In the end, Ole Miss checked off every box on her list of criteria. Yay! Now we can relax and enjoy the 2nd half of her senior year! Whoop! Whoop!
1 comment:
Yeah for the dirty work to be done and now it's time to relax for sure with that out of the way. I totally can not believe Christmas is here.
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