Monday, August 27, 2007

Nite Nite

"Good children's literature appeals not only to the child in the adult, but to the adult in the child." -- Anonymous

Nice and quiet and cool in my house tonight. Chris is at the Falcons game tonight and should be home pretty late. Both girls are in bed. I caught up on some of my TiVo and laundry so all is well in my little world.

KJ has to read every night for school and keep track of what she reads in her agenda and give her opinion about what she's read. She's really been into the Magic Tree House series (which I totally love because not only are they reading, but they're learning a little bit about history, too!). Tonight she decided she wanted to read something else so we started to read "Eloise in Hollywood." She asked Chris last night if they could go to FAO Schwarz when they go to NY so I reminded her that the Plaza, where, Eloise lives, is right across the street so I'm thinking that's what sparked tonight's book selection. She got a little frustrated while reading because she couldn't "do" Eloise as well as I do. I get very dramatic when I read outloud to her and use different voices for the different characters. Anyway, tonight in her agenda she wrote, "I LOVE when Eloise talks fancy." As Eloise would say, "I thought that was rawther cute!"

I've traveled the world twice over,
Met the famous; saints and sinners,
Poets and artists, kings and queens,
Old stars and hopeful beginners,
I've been where no-one's been before,
Learned secrets from writers and cooks
All with one library ticket
To the wonderful world of books.

~ Anonymous ~

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Some of My Favorite Quotes

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -- Dr. Seuss

"Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful." -- Sophia Loren

"There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them." -- Sylvia Plath

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.” – Oscar Wilde

If people are truly, madly, deeply in love with each other, they will find a way.~Gilda Radner

“Never judge a day by its weather. Sunshine is uplifting; rain, nourishing; wind, exhilarating; snow, cleansing; hail, stimulating. Any weather is better than none.” -- Author Unknown

"Everything you see I owe to spaghetti." -- Sophia Loren

"I know I'm vulgar, but would you have me any other way?" -- Elizabeth Taylor

"After thirty, a body has a mind of its own." -- Bette Midler

"Cherish forever what makes you unique, 'cuz you're really a yawn if it goes." -- Bette Midler

“I know I can be diva-ish sometimes, but I have to be in control. The nature of my life, the nature of what I do, is divadom, it really is." -- Mariah Carey

"I want minimum information given with maximum politeness." -- Jackie Kennedy Onassis

"I've been called a diva, queen diva, diva supreme, and I love it. However, that's really for others to decide, not me." -- Aretha Franklin

"No one loves a party more than I. I am a people person." -- Aretha Franklin

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." -- Jackie Kennedy Onassis
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