“Your hair may be brushed, but your mind's untidy. You've had about seven hours of sleep since Friday. No wonder you feel that lost sensation. You're sunk from a riot of relaxation.” -- Ogden Nash (American Writer of humorous poetry who won a large following for his audacious verse. 1902-1971)
Here's a pic of the girls with Aunt Lynn during her quick visit to the Alabama border! Ha! Ha! Lynn is visiting her son & daughter-in-law in Atlanta so we met her for lunch today. Since T had a baby-sitting gig this evening (and is leaving for Disney in the wee hours of the AM) and Chris left late this afternoon for the Bele Chere lax tournament (aka Belly Cherry), we didn't have much time to get together. It's always good to see family, though!
So, the house will be quiet next week w/ one child away. T's really excited about this trip and has had her suitcase packed for over a week now. KJ and I will go see Hairspray one day while everyone's gone. She also wants to see the Simpson's movie (Spider Pig, Spider Pig). I'd like to see Harry Potter. I'm sure while the big sister is away, Kendall will fill her days w/ swimming and her evenings w/ sleep-overs.
Have a Great Weekend! TGIF!!
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