"We must use time creatively... and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right." -- Martin Luther King Jr.
Rough day @ playschool today. The kids were all out of sorts, it was a little humid, JuJu became a big brother today so dad dropped him off which was out of the norm, the photographer came in to take pics of the kids and freaked them out a little, etc.
Taylor is home sick today w/ the crud. I'll bet she's getting what I have. Chris went to Kendall's school today for a "family museum." The kids brought in shoe boxes and used them to tell the story of their family. Chris said the little girl's shoe box next to Kendall's had a picture of the bible and said how important family is. Kendall wrote that her "dad likes money" and her mom "likes to party." Nice.
I've been sitting here laughing out load at Kendall's box. Doesn't that just somehow sum up so much of our family? (Myself included.)
i am also cracking up at kendall's comments. so funny. joe didn't have a bible if that helps. he did have a picture of his uncle rick, a baseball card. he didn't use the family picture i sent of us at the beach. hmm. kids! so funny. got your message yesterday, did it last night, i'll bring it to preschool for you. ttyl
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