It's OK . . .

...that I don't watch the Bachelor. Sounds like he was a big goober and she was psycho hosebag. love the rain and a good thunderstorm!
...that I barely go on my Facebook account. I will post positive, supportive comments on friends and family's walls, but I refuse to post statuses. I won't post anything other than photos anymore. always be on the look-out for a good book.
...that I haven't slept well this week at all. I'll catch up next week!
...that Champ got a flag at one of last week's lax games. The guy has been playing the game since he could walk. He knows what he's talking about and is well within his coaching rights to question a bad call.
...that I was not happy with February's Birchbox at all. Hover, March's box made up for it. not fill out a basketball bracket this year. I'm just not that into it.
Yes - I totally hate myself for having wasted so many hours of my life watching that goober on Monday nights. You saved yourself some regret by not watching. :)
Also, I'm hosting a blog party, too - would love for you to join in on the fun. (And this post totally counts!)
I filled out my first ever bracket this year....I know absolutely nothing about basketball, but it was kind of exciting to feel somewhat involved. It's def ok that you don't watch the Bachelor. I couldn't stand Courtney and still cannot believe he picked her. Have a fabulous weekend!
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