Spring is definately upon us! Cosmo & I switched cars this week and when I got out to the parking lot after work, his car was positively covered in that sticky, icky yellow pollen! I'll be a good wife and run it through the car wash after work today. I luv, luv, luv his new car and I'm not sure if he'll get it back any time soon!
We have the most beautiful Dogwood tree in our side yard and each morning while I'm getting ready I can see it through my bathroom window (at least I think it's a Dogwood tree. Let's face it . . . Flora and Fauna are not my forte.). It makes me very happy to see everything in bloom! Our gardenia (bush? plant? tree??) looks good as well as the big azaelea bushes. We also had a lot of yardwork done last week -- a couple of trees cut down, the flower beds were weeded and mulched. Looks good!
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