Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Top 10 Worst Christmas Songs (according to Spinner.com)

Here is a list of the top ten worst Christmas songs according to Spinner.com.
1) Cyndi Lauper- “Christmas Conga”
2) Destiny’s Child- “8 Days of Christmas”
3) No Doubt- “Oi to the World”
4) The Ramones- “Merry Christmas (I Don’t Wanna Fight Tonight)“
5) Clay Aiken- “Merry Christmas With Love”
6) The Beach Boys- “Santa’s Beard”
7) Bruce Springsteen- “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”
8) The Smashing Pumpkins- “Christmastime”
9) Paul McCartney- “Wonderful Christmastime”
10) Madonna- “Santa Baby”

I have issues w/ #3, #4, #7, #8 and #10. I happen to love the No Doubt song! It's punk and Margaret & I used to play it in our 18-month room at Playschool and the baby's used to rock out and jump up & down. Really got them moving. I've only heard the Ramone song a couple of times but hey! Who doesn't like Joey Ramone??? #7, The Bruce Springsteen version of "Santa Claus is coming to Town" is a classic. Hands down. And this is coming from someone who HATES Springsteen. The Smashing Pumpkins song is a little creepy, kind of spooky, a little pretty at the same time. I personally like it when artists unknown for a certain genre, step out side the box and create something magical or meaningful to them. Let's face it, how many happy, jolly Christmas songs can so many people listen to? I'm not always in the mood for Rudolph or Frosty. #10, "Santa Baby" Honestly, this song has been done many, many times before and will be done many, many times in the future. Madonna, Eartha Kitt, you've got to have the right voice and attitude to sing this one.

Regarding the rest of the songs on this list, I've either never heard of them (Christmas Conga???) or just don't really care about Clay Aiken or Destiny's Child.

Now, for some of my personal Christmas Favorites (in no particular order and there's probably going to be more than 10):

#1. There's a BonJovi song I like but the name escapes me right now (I haven't gotten out my Christmas CD's yet). I think it's "Please be home Christmas" or something like that. His voice is raspy and sexy (and my husband likes the video w/ Cindy Crawford).
#2. Wilson Phillips "Hey Santa"
#3. "Holly Jolly Christmas" by Burl Ives
#4. "Merry Christmas Darling" by the Carpenters
#5. "Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey"
#6. "Hanukkah Song" by Adam Sandler (OK, ya got me on this one; not "technically" a Christmas but a funny, inventive, imaginative Holiday song all the same).
#7. "Wreck the Malls"
#8. "12 Pains of Christmas"
#9. That song by Trans-Siberian Orchestra
#10. "I'm Getting Nuttin for Christmas"
#11: "Christmas in Hollis" by Run DMC
#12: "Christmas all Over Again" by Tom Petty
Please share your favorites and not-s0-favorite Christmas songs in the comment section!


Valerie said...

Ooops! I also forgot Grandma Got Run Over by a Reideer (a perinneal favorite in my house!) and the Dogs that bark Jingle Bells!

Valerie said...

Dang! I forgot "Baby It's Cold Outside" and the Hawaiian Christmas theme song music from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

There. I think i'm done.

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

I want a hippo for Christmas is a fav here in our house... I like the God rest Ye merry gentlemen by the barenaked ladies and sarah mc...so cool!!! I also am in love with James Taylors Christmas music! Hmmm whatelse......the grinch song, the Carol of the Bells.....I'll keep thinking!

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