Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Not such a great day
We left my cell phone at home while I was at my root canal and the Freshmen Center called several times to say that T was in the nurse's office sick. Poor thing. By the time Chris & I got home it was almost 2 PM so she just stuck it out and had to go to dance team/band practice after school and is now on her way to dance at the studio. She's such a trooper. KJ would have had a MAJOR meltdown and the entire state of Alabama would have known about it. She would have had all 3 major networks reporting on the breaking story and would have demanded Child Protective Services be assigned her case. She would have held a press conference with Gloria Allred, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
Not sure exactly what happened at the high school today but they were in "lockdown" mode earlier today. The local HazMat team was brought in. Some type of chemical fumes coming out of one of the bathrooms.
Got a funny phone call the other night:
Monday, September 29, 2008
Just Shoot Me now
T-bone in the house
Sunday, September 28, 2008
When it Rains it Pours

Lacrosse, lacrosse and more lacrosse today. Fall Ball officially kicks off. Chris will be there pretty much all day to help out where needed, KJ plays at 1 PM and T plays at 3 PM and Chris coaches the high school boys at 5 PM. I have yoga from 4 to 5 PM and will pick the girls up when I'm done. Get to use my new yoga mat and wear my new yoga pants. Yay! Go me!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
S'more (homecoming pics!)
Homecoming Recovery
Great night last night. Perfect weather for football and homecoming. A bunch of kids met at the local botanical gardens for pictures, went out for dinner and then headed to the football game. We sat w/ Rick & Tracy and Laura and Ryan joined us. We had so much fun checking everyone out. Saw some dresses I really really liked, saw some I wasn't so crazy about. I thought for sure there would be several girls w/ the same dress as T but she was an original last night. Austin gave T a really neat corsage -- instead of an elastic band, it was a beaded bracelet.
After the homecoming dance T hosted an "after" party and Chris & I served breakfast from midnight to 2 AM. In total there were about 30 kids here last night. Chris & KJ pooped out on me around 1:30 AM. The boys left at 2 AM and most of the girls slept over. There are dresses and shoes all over the place. When everyone leaves this morning, I plan to take a big fat nap.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
After my delicious fresh bagel for breakfast I went for a pedicure. I usually get the OPI color "Cajun Shrimp." Actually "usually" is totally inaccurate, more like I always get Cajun Shrimp. It's my go-to color. Today I went out of my comfort zone and got a really pretty dark fall color (I have no idea what the name is). This color is so unlike me that both girls noticed the minute they got home. That's one of the nice things about having daughters, they notice everything and always tell me I look pretty. After my pedicure, Chris and I had lunch together and then I picked out a new yoga mat (my old one smelled like feet), a pedometer and a new pair of yoga pants. Chris took T to dance and picked up Chinese food for dinner on his way home and also got me an eclair for dessert.
So tomorrow is (are?) the big HOMECOMING festivities. T's excited and I guess we all are, too. I still have some decorating to do and T just walked in the door and turned around and ran up to Judy's to pick up her dress.
Spoke to my brother for a couple minutes tonight. My nephew had a soccer game earlier this evening. He scored 2 goals! Unfortunately, one of them was for the other team.
Pick a color

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Do you floss regularly??

KJ & I had dentist appointments bright and early this morning. We both have to go back tomorrow -- I have a very old filling that is starting to come out and KJ has 2 very small fillings that need to be taken care of. She's not a happy camper. She got a very panicked look on her face when she overheard me making the appointment with the receptionist. She remembers when she had to have the veneer put on her chipped tooth this summer and is not looking forward to the Novocaine.
Did my grocery shopping today and did some more decorating in the house. Tonight is our "free" night so T is going to get her mani & pedi tonight since she can't go Thursday due to dance practice w/ the marching band and ballet class.
I got a birthday card from my parents yesterday and KJ was positively hovering over me. When I asked her what she was doing, she said she wanted to see how much money Grammie and Pop sent me. I told her there probably wasn't go to be any money in the birthday card because I'm a little too old for that. She looked at me and said, "Aw mommy! I'm so sorry! That really sucks!" Thanks KJ.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Anniversary
OMG; my head is killing me.
So Friday is HOMECOMING in case you have been under a rock the last month or so and haven't read my blog. This week the kids have had spirit week leading up to HOMECOMING. Yesterday was tacky day (T wouldn't let me take a picture of her but yes, she was truly tacky). Today is nerd day (oops! my bad! I think the politically correct term is: Steve Erkel day), tomorrow is ESPN day (support your team), Thursday is pajama day and Friday the seniors get to wear togas (in accordance w/ school dress code, of course!). Not sure what the underclassmen get to wear on Friday. I think T said the color white. Last night T planned her nerd outfit: she poked the lenses out of a pair of Chicken Little 3-D glasses and wrapped them in duct tape and she borrowed KJ's supergirl cape so she can be a Super Nerd. Not just any ol' nerd but Super Nerd. Wednesday she'll be all decked out in Penn State Paraphernalia. Uncle Stephen told her she'll probably be the only kid in her school not representing an SEC school.
Monday, September 22, 2008

Started to get out some of my fall / harvest decorations and somewhat completed the foyer. I usually set the dining room table w/ my brown glassware, plaid tablecloth, etc. but don't want to put out too much stuff since I'll just have to take it down when the kids are here Friday night for the homecoming "after" party. I dunno, maybe I'll change my mind between now and then. If it's a nice night perhaps they can eat outside on the deck. T's already asked if the girls could all sleep-over. I have no idea how many girls we're talking about. Yikes.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Emmy Sunday

KJ had a scout meeting today and it was our turn to bring snacks and drink. I dropped her off at the meeting and another mom (actually, it was a grandmother) offered to bring KJ home for me so I could go to yoga class. OMG I totally love yoga class. I don't know if it's the actual yoga or just the fact that I have an hour to myself.
Chris is at lax this afternoon. They were having a new player clinic and afterwards he was holding try-outs for his all-star team. This is the all-star team he'll take to Tampa in January.
I have the Emmy's red carpet on TV while I type. Vanessa Williams is so incredibly beautiful. She's really the only one I've seen so far. Heidi Klum looked pretty too but I didn't catch all of her gown. Kristen Chenoweth (I believe she was the original Glinda on Broadway) also looks stunning. She has a funny little squeaky voice, it's hard to imagine some of the power ballads that come out of her body. Marcia Cross is always classic looking. Terri Hatcher is wearing bright yellow and Nicolette Sheridan is wearing purple. I can't remember her real name but she played Miranda on Sex & the City -- anyway, she's wearing a soft, pale blue gown. Brooke Shields has on a bright color. I started watching Lipstick Jungle a little bit this year and I'm looking foward to the season premier. Tina Fey looks quite pretty. I don't ever really watch the Emmy's, I just like the pre-show. Ryan Seacrest is talking to a bunch of male actors. No offense, who cares? Everyone watches the Emmy's to see who's wearing what, not to see Neil Patrick Harris (aka Doogie Howswer all growed up).
In other celebrity news, DJ AM (Nicole Ritchie's ex) and Travis Barker, the drummer for Blink182, were in a terrible plane crash and although they both survived, they have both suffered burns. How horrible. Also, George Michael of WHAM! was arrested again in a public men's restroom. The man needs help.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Now 2 of them can Prance!! Go Me!
So now we've got 2 daughters who can prance. How exciting is that??? I have got to be the luckiest mom on the planet! Seriously, KJ had a lot of fun today at the dance team clinic. They learned how to walk/prance out on the field, they did a kick line and then they did a really cute dance. KJ actually caught on pretty fast and did a great job!
After the dance team clinic Chris & I watched most of the Alabama game at Scott & Debbie's. Friends of theirs came over and a mean game of corn-hole broke out in the rain. I love sitting out on Scott & Debbie's back patio.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday Nite Festivities
Chris had an extremely successful night at the store. The girls & I arrived around 4:30 PM and I could not believe the crowd! Free food really brings folks out. Tonight was a Girls Lax 101 event and it was wonderful to see all those girls in the store. Some of the girls from the Birmingham-Southern College team also came out to throw around in the parking lot.
From there the girls and I went to Chuck E Cheese for a b-day party. KJ had a really, really good time. I was glad she went. Sometimes it's such a hassle to get to some of these b-day parties but in the end I'm glad we make the effort.
KJ is attending a dance team clinic bright & early in the AM. T went to one of these years ago when she was in 5th or 6th grade and had a blast. KJ also likes going to the high school cheerleading clinics and hanging out w/ the big girls. It's especially fun when she knows some of the girls. She'll get a t-shirt tomorrow and a poster of the dance team.
We just heard that an accident occured at the Alabama State Fair tonight. A camel somehow impaled itself on a fence and has died.
It's the Weekend!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Finish These Famous Sayings:
Better Safe than: YOU
Strike While the: 8:00
It's always darkest before: 3:00 AM!
Never under-estimate the power of the: THE CLOCK!
You can lead a horse to water, but: NOT TO BE FED! (close one, KJ!)
Don't bite the hand that: IS BAD
You can't teach an old dog new: STUFF
The pen is mightier than the: PENCIL
Where there's smoke, there's: A FIRE (yay!!! good one KJ!)
A penny saved is: THEN A DIME (she must subscribe to my form of balancing the checkbook)
Two's company, three's: COMPANY (the old TV sitcom w/ John Ritter and Mr. Furley??)
Don't put off til tomorrow what: WHEN??
Children should be seen and not: HEARDED (um, OK?)
If at first you don't succeed: A SECOND TIME IS GOOD
Don't count your chickens before: EATING
A stitch in time saves: THE CLOCK (what is this child's obbession w/ time??)
A bird in the hand is worth: 10,000 POINTS (somebody obviously plays way too many video games)
A watched pot never: BOILS
Don't judge a book by: THE COVER
Obviously, we have some work to do. 3rd grade's gonna be a rough year.
Waiting Room(s)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I have a dream

Monday, September 15, 2008
Surprise, Surprise

Shaken, Not Stirred

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Homecoming Update
(She's sitting on the couch w/ me as I type this and she's positively beaming. She's very, very happy!)
SNL: Palin vs. Clinton

Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton: "But Sarah, one thing we can agree on is that sexism can never be allowed to permeate an American election."
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: "So please, stop photoshopping my head on sexy bikini pictures."
Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton: "And stop saying I have cankles."
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: "Don't refer to me as a 'MILF.'"
Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton: "And don't refer to me as a 'FLRG.' I Googled what it stands for and I do not like it."
Showers of Happiness
Chris's men's lax team played the Alabama team today. I don't know what the final score was but KJ left a message on T's cell phone saying that Chris was laying the smack down on Conor. Conor played for Chris last year at the high school level so today's game they were playing as "men." Conor's been trash talking all week how he was gonna bring a wheelchair for Chris. Chris plays offense, Conor plays defense so Conor would have been covering Chris during the game. The hubster may be pushing 41 but he's still got game.
My brother & sister-in-law went away for a weekend trip and my mom & dad kept my niece & nephew all weekend. I called yesterday and it sounded like bedlam in the background. Pop was yelling, someone was crying, the dog was barking (just kidding! my parents don't even have a dog!). Anyway, I spoke w/ both kids. They sound so darn cute on the phone! I told Mr. B it was very hot at my house and he told me I needed to put the air-conditioner on in my room and shut the door cuz that what he does when it's hot at his house. Can't wait to see the little stinkers at Christmas.
Lots of fun homecoming drama at my house. Austin & T broke up a week or so ago because they don't really get to see each other alot due to their schedules. Someone else asked T, Austin asked another girl to homecoming, no big deal. Austin & T remain friends. Friday night T's "date" bailed on her (you know the story, "it's not you, it's me") and today T found out that Austin's date bailed on him. Austin & T were at the same b-day party last night and I don't think the other girl appreciates the fact that T & Austin are still friends. This other girl was kind of in a bad spot -- it was obvious to everyone that T & Austin still liked each other despite breaking up. I think the freshman are just so excited about their first homecoming dance, it's causing a lot of issues. I also think the boys asked the girls way, way too early. Maybe next year things will calm down a bit.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Big, disappointing loss last night. Not sure what's going on w/ the football team. Justin seemed like he was struggling; I think his back was bothering him. Jack looked like he had a good game. T "pranced" last night in the pre-game. I can't wait for the first freshman home game so we can see what the freshman team has been working on all these weeks.
Might go out to dinner w/ friends tonight if we can find somewhere for KJ to go. T has a b-day party at the clubhouse from 5 to 9 PM. We have a lady interested in the condo so we need to go over there and straighten up today. It's still so damn hot here, I don't feel like moving.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Typical fall Friday night in B'ham --high school football. We have plans to meet friends and tailgate. I hope it's not as hot and humid as it was the last game. I just about died from heat exhaustion. I get very cranky from the heat and the humidity does a lot of damage to my hair. Not a pretty picture.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Another day Well Spent

After lunch I went grocery shopping. Since we're so busy during the week and rarely eat dinner at home, I didn't need much; just the essentials -- milk, bread, soda, laundry detergent, oj.
It started to rain about the time KJ's bus was coming. When T got home I took KJ for a haircut and T got her eye brows waxed. Her ex-boyfriend texted her and said he was in the same shopping center. She ran out to my car to get my big over-sized sunglasses so he wouldn't see her eyebrows all red and swollen.
Wednesday's nights are nice and relaxing here. KJ gets all her homework done for the week. She had spelling and tonight we played a math game. I have some TiVo to catch up on (Project Runway and America's Next Top Model). I think I may have missed 90210 this week. Chris and I watched Entourage the other night and frankly I was disappointed. I had also taken a sleeping pill so maybe I just fell asleep during the middle of it. IDK. Last night KJ & Chris made me watch one of the stupidest shows on TV: Hole in the Wall. Has anyone else seen this? A big Styrofoam wall w/ a cut out of a human in a weird pose comes at you and you have to fit your body thru the hole or else get pushed into the water (see illustration above). Two teams of 3 compete against each other and the final round is the blindfold round. One player is blindfolded and the other two teammates shout out directions. OMG.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Typical Tuesday
T was supposed to have band practice this afternoon but called to say it had been cancelled. She had already gotten on the shuttle from the freshman center to the main campus so I had to pick her and Katie up and then take them to dance. T's dance instructor told me that she will get tuition credit every time she helps teach a class. Very sweet! She's also going to a convention in Atlanta in November w/ the dance studio.
Chris had men's lax practice tonight so while the girls were at dance I walked around the track for what felt like several hundred times. I had my headphones on and was in a zone. It was a nice, fairly cool night. I lost track of how many times I walked around -- I really need to invest in one of those pedometer thingy's.
Monday, September 8, 2008
From E-Online:

"I set up my performance to make it satisfying to do at least two more," Robert Pattinson, who stars as Edward in Twilight, told me at yesterday at the VMA's. "I don't know if they're going to make them or not, but I think they probably will."
Taylor Lautner, who costars as Jacob, says they'll know more when box office receipts come in. "Nothing's been confirmed yet," he said. "So we're waiting to see. If it goes well, then maybe."
Pattinson and Lautner didn't even know about the Twilight phenomenon when they first auditioned.
"I hadn't even heard about them," Pattinson says of the now four-book phenomenon. "I was living in England at the time, and they really weren't anything in England then."
They've now read all the books, but Lautner is quick to point out that the movie isn't just for the series' mostly female fan base. "What we tried to do with the film is add a little more action and horror to it," he explains. "So now it's for everyone."
Lautner and Pattinson hit the VMAs with Twilight costars Kristen Stewart and Cam Gigandet (that's Cam above in the middle of Pattinson and Lautner) to introduce a performance by Paramore, the pop-rock band that has a new still-untitled song on the movie's soundtrack.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
yoga! yoga! (or is it: Toga! Toga!)

Roll Tide Roll !!!
KJ & I had never been to a game at Bryant-Denny stadium. This was actually my 4th Alabama game but my first ever in T-Town. When we first moved here Alabama still played a couple of games at Legion Field and in 1999 Chris, T-bone & I saw them play LA-Monroe (KJ was "in utero"). Years and years ago (before we were even married) we saw Alabama play Penn State in the Kick-Off Classic at the Meadowlands and when we were living in Cincinnati (1997) I had arranged for a romantic weekend at the Griffen Gate resort in Lexington, KY. Unbeknownst to us, Kentucky was playing Alabama that weekend. Coincidentally, Chris packed his Alabama T-shirt and some guy thought we were students and gave us 2 tickets. Tim Couch was the QB for Kentucky and it was the first time in decades that Kentucky beat Alabama.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Oprah blocks Palin

Several internet sites are reporting that Oprah is getting thousands of emails and requests to have Sarah Palin on her show. However, Oprah is battling a divided staff and refusing to allow the Alaskan governor on her show because of her highly partisan support for Democratic candidate Barack Obama.
“Half of her staff really wants Sarah Palin on,” an insider explains. “Oprah’s website is getting tons of requests to put her on, but Oprah and a couple of her top people are adamantly against it because of Obama.” It is not clear if Oprah has softened her position after watching Palin’s historic convention speech.
This is pretty amazing and typical of Oprah trying to wield her power. She will have transgender pregnant men on her show, freaks of every variety and walk of life, but is now refusing to interview the most popular woman in the world on her show. Well, it is her show, she can do as she please. However, she is letting her political bias get in the way of what would surely go down as one of the most popular episodes of the Oprah Winfrey Show in history.
Oprah is missing out on a very large opportunity to host Palin and continue to introduce her to the United States. It’s Oprah’s show and her right to not have Palin on her show.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Lots of noise going on

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September is the Best Month of All

US Weekly Cover Wars
OK. Maybe 2 questions. Why is US Weekly, normally considered a celebrity gossip magazine, even getting involved in politics?
From Bumpshack.com:
Michelle Malkin points out in her latest post that gossip rag ‘Us Weekly’ is using dirty journalism in an attempt to influence and turn the 2008 Presidential race in Senator Barack Obama’s favor.
The next time you’re waiting at the grocery stands and tempted to buy Us magazine, stop and think again. Unless you’re buying it for oppo research, you may not want to put money in the pockets of rabid partisans who have turned their gossip rag into a propaganda arm for the Democrat Party.
The use of the gossip rags to shape the election is all part and parcel of the Brangelina-fication of the Obamas that I wrote about earlier this summer. They are pulling out all the stops to glorify The One and demonize all who stand in his way.
How dare an entertainment magazine put the false title ‘BABIES, LIES & SCANDAL’ in bold print over a 4-month old baby with Down’s Syndrome. I think even a blind donkey or elephant can see that ‘US Weekly,’ which is published by Obama donor/supporter Jann Wenner, is pulling out all stops to secure an Obama win.
Keep politics in the newspaper, the blogs, and political magazines. Let gossip/entertainment rags report gossip, scandals, crotch shots and the rest of Hollywood’s dirty laundry. The two shouldn’t mix and ‘US’ shouldn’t be trying to sway the 2008 Presidential election.
The magazine will get publicity from this, mostly negative, but I predict readership of the magazine will take a hit in the months to come because of its unfair attack on Palin.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I have no idea what day it is
Just sitting here eating my poptart, drinking my tea, catching up on my e-mails and half-listening to the Today Show. They had Caylee Anthony's grandmother on a few minutes ago. This woman is such an "enabler." Rather than demanding her own daughter start telling the truth, she told Matt that the police aren't doing enough to look for her granddaughter. Ummm, maybe if they had a little bit more to go on??? Maybe if your daughter had gone to the authorities immediately rather than lie for a month after her daughter's alleged disappearance? She lied about her job, she lied about the babysitter she supposedly left Caylee with yet she keeps saying that Caylee's safe. On the other hand, she says that she didn't notify the police out of fear. So which is it??