Daughter #1 will turn 18 in the summer. Fortunately, she's always made good decisions and has followed her heart. She has pretty much always done the right thing and we've never had to question her choices. Now, I know this may not always be the case but hopefully, Cosmo & I have instilled the values and morals she will need and use the rest of her life.

Do these girls have any idea what these are going to look like after a couple of kids??? Can you imagine your 85-year old grandma walking around with a freakin' Hello Kitty tattoo on her chest???
Several times T has mentioned she'd like a tattoo. A small, meaningful tattoo. Not a tramp stamp or on the wrist or shoulder where everyone can see it. But something discreet. While I'm not crazy about this idea, I'm glad she's discussed it with us. Cosmo, naturally, is not happy (keep in mind this is the man that cried like an absolute baby when his girls got their ears pierced!!!). She has a couple of friends who have already turned 18 in the fall of their senior year and have gotten tattoos with out telling their parents. One friend has a tattoo on her ribcage. Her mom is going to be in for the shock of her life come bathing suit season. And I think that's precisely why she did it. Her mom is a controlling pyscho and this was her way of saying, "screw you." Oh God! Please don't ever let my girls want to say, "screw you!!!"

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