Friday, November 9, 2007

Finally, It's Friday

I covered KJ's class for an hour yesterday. All I have to say is "thank a teacher" heavily at Christmas. I think there is 19 or 20 kids in Kendall's class. Not bad kids by any means. Just needy . . . . can you help me color this? I need another piece of paper. She's not sharing the crayons. He said I'm fat just because I'm drawing a fuzzy bear. And not ONE child stayed in their seats. Not one. They all wandered around the room aimlessly. I felt like a screaming moron . . . . Sit in your sit until you're done coloring your mask! When you're done coloring your mask you can start working on props! Push in your chairs! Clean up the crayons on the floor! BLAH. BLAH. BLAH. Fortunately most of the kids know me so they don't think I'm a total bitch.
I also did some Christmas shopping. Can't go into too much detail or I may have to kill you.
Last night Chris & I watched Tuesday night's episode of Nip Tuck that we TiVo'd. Christian is being such a jerk, it was actually hard to watch. Finally, the shoe is on the other foot and Dr. Troy can't handle it. Sean is getting some of the limelight and Christain is so jealous. I don't think the lesbian relationship Julia is having w/ Portia deRossi is going to last, however. I think she's just sowing her wild oats.
Busy weekend coming up. KJ has a little friend coming home w/ her afterschool. Saturday morning we have to cheer at the 9 AM football game. Chris has a men's lax tourney all weekend, Saturday night KJ & I have our end-of-year cheer party and Sunday I have a baby shower for one of the wives on the men's lax team. Have NO idea what to get her or WHEN I'm going to find time to buy a present. Should have thought of it yesterday when I was out doing some Christmas shopping. Crap!
I'm supposed to be cleaning today (what else is new??? Don't I clean EVERY FREAKIN' day???). I started a FaceBook account and have 5 new friends (my niece, our friend's daughter away at college -- I'm sure she's just thrilled to have a 40 year old woman on her friend's list, my husband is listed as my friend, and 2 of his lacrosse buddies). I've also been having fun finding "blinkies" to put on my log. I like experimenting with all that stuff. I'm cool like that.

1 comment:

A Year In The Life said...

hi. haha, i'm cracking up about your description of watching the class. too funny! i had a facebook account for 5 min. last week. i deleted it, haha, maybe i'll get it back since you're on there. we can put wild and crazy pictures of us at the hoover games. lol

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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -- Dr. Seuss

"Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful." -- Sophia Loren

"There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them." -- Sylvia Plath

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.” – Oscar Wilde

If people are truly, madly, deeply in love with each other, they will find a way.~Gilda Radner

“Never judge a day by its weather. Sunshine is uplifting; rain, nourishing; wind, exhilarating; snow, cleansing; hail, stimulating. Any weather is better than none.” -- Author Unknown

"Everything you see I owe to spaghetti." -- Sophia Loren

"I know I'm vulgar, but would you have me any other way?" -- Elizabeth Taylor

"After thirty, a body has a mind of its own." -- Bette Midler

"Cherish forever what makes you unique, 'cuz you're really a yawn if it goes." -- Bette Midler

“I know I can be diva-ish sometimes, but I have to be in control. The nature of my life, the nature of what I do, is divadom, it really is." -- Mariah Carey

"I want minimum information given with maximum politeness." -- Jackie Kennedy Onassis

"I've been called a diva, queen diva, diva supreme, and I love it. However, that's really for others to decide, not me." -- Aretha Franklin

"No one loves a party more than I. I am a people person." -- Aretha Franklin

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." -- Jackie Kennedy Onassis
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